Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

Diatomaceous Earth Powder

Did you know that Diatomaceous Earth is actually not earth at all.

In fact it is the remains of almost countless small shelled critters called Diatoms, AKA unicellular algae.

Our Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Powder is sterilized for 30 minutes using Govt specified low UV light.

This is done for your protection and safety.

The use of Diatomaceous Earth has many applications in cosmetic, agricultural, pest control for animals and farmers, and as detoxing agent for animals and humans such as a non-chemical de-wormer.

It has been extensively investigated and some interesting benefits have been discovered.

It is a Natural Source of Silica

Our "Food-grade" Diatomaceous Earth is composed of approximately 90% silica and this is an important trace mineral which is required by tendons, hair, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones.

Shown to Support Heart Health

Research has also shown that food-grade diatomaceous may offer positive benefits for cholesterol levels and encourage heart health.

Calcium as well


Many overseas sources of Diatomaceous Earth also commonly contains up to approx 20% calcium so people with cramping issues should use sparingly. For adults, this would be around 1 capsule a day.

Our DE contains less than 2% calcium so this will help people who get cramps from Calcium.

People taking any amount of Diatomaceous Earth are recommended to also take a magnesium and boron supplement at the same time to help convert the Diatomaceous Earth into useable material which the body can utilise.


Make sure that all Diatomaceous Earth you are taking for your family is labeled "food grade" and is UV treated to remove pathogens and most importantly, it must not be heat treated.

Food grade Diatomaceous Earth can also be fed to pets especially if they have pedigrees and you only want the best for them.

Our Products

We offer you the following Food Grade products:

Food Grade Capsules

Food Grade Powder

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade
Diatomaceous Earth Australia Pty Ltd Diatomaceous Earth Australia Pty Ltd © ™ 2009 - 2025 
  Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade